Citizens Specification

Citizens Documentation

This document provides a detailed explanation of the character attributes and interactions in the system.

Citizen Structure

Each character in the system is represented by a unique object with the following attributes:

Basic Information

  • id: Unique identifier (UUID) for the character

  • name: Character's full name

  • age: Character's age (numeric)

  • occupation: Character's professional role

Personal Attributes

  • traits: Array of personality characteristics

  • hobbies: Array of activities the character enjoys

  • strengths: Array of character's strong points

  • weaknesses: Array of character's limitations

  • quirks: Array of unique behavioral patterns or habits

  • values: Array of principles or beliefs important to the character

  • fears: Array of character's fears (can be empty)

  • dreams: Array of character's aspirations (can be empty)

  • background: Detailed text describing the character's history and motivations


Each character has a relationships array containing objects with the following structure:

  • targetId: UUID of the related character

  • targetName: Name of the related character

  • type: Type of relationship (e.g., "friend", "spouse", "rival", "enemy", "acquaintance", "sibling")

  • strength: Numeric value between -1 and 1 indicating relationship strength

    • Positive values indicate positive relationships

    • Negative values indicate negative relationships

    • Values closer to 0 indicate weaker bonds

    • Values closer to 1 or -1 indicate stronger bonds

  • context: Detailed description of the relationship's nature and history


Characters have a memories array containing memory objects with:

  • id: Unique identifier for the memory

  • description: Detailed narrative of the memory

  • participants: Array of character IDs involved in the memory

  • emotionalImpact: Numeric value (0-1) indicating the memory's emotional significance

  • type: Type of memory (e.g., "interaction")

  • importance: Numeric value (0-1) indicating the memory's importance

  • interactionId: Unique identifier for the interaction (if memory is of type "interaction")

Data Organization

The data is organized in the following structure:

Main Objects

  • data: Contains all character objects indexed by their IDs

  • indexes: Contains alternative ways to access the data

    • byOccupation: Groups characters by their occupation


  • lastUpdate: Timestamp of the last data update

  • version: Data structure version

  • count: Total number of elements

  • theme: Overall theme of the character set

  • createdAt: Timestamp of data creation

Relationship Types

The system includes various types of relationships:

  1. Spouse: Married partners (strength typically 0.8-1.0)

  2. Friend: Close positive relationship (strength typically 0.6-1.0)

  3. Acquaintance: Casual relationship (strength typically 0.5-0.8)

  4. Rival: Competitive relationship (strength typically negative)

  5. Enemy: Antagonistic relationship (strength typically 0 or negative)

  6. Sibling: Family relationship (strength varies)

Memory Structure

Memories serve as records of interactions between characters and include:

  • Emotional narrative from the perspective of one character

  • List of all participants involved

  • Quantified emotional impact and importance

  • Unique identifiers for tracking and reference

Usage Notes

  • All numeric values for relationship strength and emotional impact are normalized between -1 and 1

  • Empty arrays (fears, dreams) indicate undefined or unused attributes

  • Relationship strength can be used to determine the intensity of connections between characters

  • Memories provide context and history for character relationships

Last updated